The SRO Best Practices documentation has been developed over many years with input from many individuals.  The aim of the Best Practices is to provide a starting point for those new to Survey Research Operations, to provide additional information and aspects to consider when taking on new assignments, as well as a refresher for those that might need one from time to time. It also serves as documentation of the industry standards that we have adopted and accepted in our organization.

As an organization, we must make a commitment to continuously update this documentation in order to remain leaders in the field of survey research. As individuals, it is our responsibility to provide on-going input regarding the documentation. This might  include providing feedback on documentation that we find useful,  content that we do not find useful, content that needs to be expanded, content that is lacking and you would like to see included, as well as providing content that you’ve developed or encountered that you think will be useful to others. Sharing this common knowledge will allow us all to further our knowledge as well as to establish a collaborative environment. Additionally, it is a reflection of the ever-changing environment in which we are working. Best practices are dynamic and can be expected to evolve over time. In fact, specific areas where content will be updated in the near future has already been identified. For example, quality control aspects can be included throughout the sections, descriptions and information regarding various security environments can be included, and references to mixed-mode environments can be included and updated as well. Please provide feedback using the link in the column to the left.

If you would like to refer to the previous version of the Best Practice documentation, it can be located here:

Old Best Practices Site

We hope you find this documentation helpful!